The Naraka realm, or "hell realm" is a rebirth based on strong states of desire, hatred & ignorance cultivated in a previous life or lives. This is one of the most difficult realm to escape from, since the condition tends to be self-perpetuating, with intense suffering and aggression feeding each other (one's living in Hell is described as being measured in kalpas).
Hell is a condition of total claustrophobic aggression, in which one perceives no freedom of action and has very little life-force (physical or mental energy). One feels totally trapped by one's circumstances; the being is dominated by anger, hatred and frustrated rage and, in extreme cases, the urge to destroy oneself and everything else.
{From - Lowada Sangarawa (towards a better world); a Sinhalese poem of the 15th century by Ven. Vĩdãgama Maitreya Tero & translated by Bhikku K. Nãnananda}
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