Save a Cow
01 January 2015
Please note that I may not find time to update the latest activities of the venerable thero in this page. But all the necessary details are given for you to find out the more details and stay in touch with venerable bhante.
If you like to be a part of saving a life of an animal you can donate through this account number & follow the details given. Please send below details to Ven. Seelagawei Thero or if you mail them to Nirvana Dhamma web site please NOTE that you should send it with a scanned copy of deposit slips of bank. So I can pass the info to Ven. Bhante.
Name, Address, Email & Telephone number if you like.
Monthly required amount: minimum $2 (250.00 LKR)
Bank: Sampath Bank
Savings Account No: 104053057618
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